Forget Password

Steps to reset the default admin password

  1. Open command prompt as administrator and navigate to <Exchange Reporter PLus installation director>\bin

  2. Execute ResetERPPassword.bat

  3. On successful execution, login credentials for the default admin will be reset to:

    1. Username : admin

    2. Password : admin

Please change the default password once you login.


Steps to change admin password

  1. Go to the Settings tab.

  2. Navigate to Admin -> Utilities-> Technicians in the left pane.

  3. Under the Actions column click on the <Edit> icon corresponding to the account for which the password must be changed.

  4. Click on the Edit Password option.

  5. Enter a new password in the Password and Confirm Password fields

  6. Click on Save.

If you are a technician who forgot or want to change your password, please contact the administrator.




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